Vicco City. It seems to be the perfect place for the Hellkats to gather the souls of the damned for the benevolent angel of death, Suriel.
The story focuses on a daemonees and a nephilim that hate one another, but must work together to stop the apocalypse.
Rating: 16+
These sets of comics were printed under Ringtail Cafe Publishing (RTCP). RTCP is no longer publishing comics and this is the backstock of Poecat Comix’s under their logo.
While supplies last!
About each issue
Issues 1-5 collected in HellKats Volume 1

Issue 1
An introduction into the world of Hellkats. Draven likes to work alone, but is always interrupted by Teivel. Their job is to collect souls for hell.

Issue 2
Teivel is sent to track down the souls of the Well’s Twins. While Draven is sent to find the doppelgänger of a past foe, Rafe. Suriel is placing his pieces.

Issue 3
Suriel is scheming and deceiving his father and brother. Rafe and his family flee for safety from the doppelgänger, only to be attacked by the Twins.

Issue 4
The Twins have succeeded in their plans to gain more power. Suriel has also succeeded. While Draven and Teivel have no clue what’s going on.

Issue 5
Time passes. Portals are seeping souls out into Vicco City. Teivel receives a bundle of joy and Draven helps him raise that joy, until it turns on them.