Cage and Travis move back to the big city. Blending in is hard enough, but for a vampire it’s even more difficult. What Cage and Travis don’t know is that NYPD Special Agents are on the lookout as crime has run rampant.
Can Cage be a detective?
Can he keep his past in the past?
Rating: 16+
About each issue
Issues 1-4 collected in Nightshift Volume 1

Issue 1
The introduction of major cast characters. Everyone is on the road to get to a certain point. And what did Cage do to make him runaway again.

Issue 2
Some secrets need to remain buried and other secrets are nightmares. Roxy talks to Jack about her father and mother. Max and Panther have a knock out fist fight.

Issue 3
Cage and Travis are starting their new lives in New York City again. Cage gets canned from the Piggy Mart, but luckily finds a new job with the NYPD.

Issue 4
The badguys are even bad to their own. Or is it just fun and games? Carla dresses up like Roxy and sneaks into the NYPD hold to free Crowe.

Issue 5
When Cage meets Travis… his dull world of loneliness becomes interesting. Travis definitely has some issues that were brought on by his father.
Issues 5-9 collected in Nightshift Volume 2

Issue 6
Cage slowly opens up to Travis’ world and learns to have some fun. But also ends up exposing his and James’ secret.

Issue 7
Travis finds that Cage’s definition of fun is a bit more dangerous. But he gets what he wants and has to get used to it.

Issue 8
When things go wrong… they can go terribly wrong. Travis and Cage make a huge mistake and they take off.

Issue 9
Cage is faced with his demon as the story shifts back to the present. Find out what Cage and Travis did in the 1980’s.